Wishingwell 4 children:
Resolving legal and social problems for limited abilities parents with young children

Contact us
Parenting Together charity
helpline 0777 3722 767
Open 8 till 8pm, 7 days
Wishingwell 4 Children is a charity project for parents involved in Social Care and Family Law proceedings
Award winning professional assessments, courses and reports
In association with professionals, youth and community workers concerned about safeguarding vulnerable children
Service Specification:
Primary aim:
Reduce child exploitation and prevent criminality – Advanced ethical parenting skills and community cooperatives
Secondary aim:
Address the impact of poverty on children and young people – improving their quality of life and stabilising relationships
Urban terrorism

They knew everything about these girls and their family background
We offer Courts a viable service enabling children to remain with their natural family
Authorities, charities and agencies misleading the Courts with false accusations and fabricated evidence against parents
In the end, we have a charity that works in the best interests of vulnerable children and their loving parents